Analisis tingkat self-efficacy peserta ekstrakurikuler futsal
Masalah: Kajian mengenai aspek psikologis pada peserta ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMK Negeri 1 Kota Bengkulu minim dilakukan oleh peneliti sebelumnya.
Tujuan: Melakukan analisis tingkat SE peserta ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMK Negeri 1 Kota Bengkulu.
Metode: Metode yang digunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 10 peserta ekstrakurikuler futsal. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Standar deviasi ideal dan nilai rerata ideal digunakan untuk menganalisis data.
Hasil: Terdapat 6 peserta yang memiliki SE dalam kategori sangat tinggi, 4 peserta memiliki self-efficacy dalam kategori tinggi.
Kesimpulan: Tingkat SE peserta ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMK Negeri 1 Kota Bengkulu berada pada kategori sangat tinggi. Kelemahan dalam penelitian ini tidak dapat digeneralisasikan pada peserta ekstrakurikuler selain futsal. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam menambah referensi bagi khasanah ilmu pengetahuan khususnya mengenai SE pada atlet futsal. Sehingga, direkomendasikan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk mengkaji strategi dalam menjaga konsistensi SE peserta ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMK Negeri 1 Kota Bengkulu.
Baanu, T. F., Oyelekan, O. S., & Olorundare, A. S. (2018). Self-efficacy and chemistry students’ academic achievement in senior secondary schools in North-Central, Nigeria. MOJES: Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(1), 43-52.
Clevinger, K., Petrie, T., Martin, S., & Greenleaf, C. (2020). The relationship of sport involvement and gender to physical fitness, self-efficacy, and self-concept in middle school students. Physical Educator, 77(1), 154-172. 10.18666/TPE-2020-V77-11-9228.
Đurović, D., Veljković, A. A., & Petrović, T. (2020). Psychological aspects of motivation in sport achievement. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 465-474.
Feltz, D. L., & Öncü, E. R. M. A. N. (2014). Self-confidence and self-efficacy. Routledge companion to sport and exercise psychology, 417-429.
Ghaleb, A. B., Ghaith, S., & Akour, M. (2015). Self-efficacy, achievement goals, and metacognition as predicators of academic motivation. Procedia-social and behavioral sciences, 191, 2068-2073.
Haq, A. H. B. (2016). Efikasi Diri Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Yang Berprestasi Di Bidang Olah Raga. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan, 4(2), 161–174.
Ita, S., Ansar, C. S., Kardi, I. S., & Nopiyanto, Y. E. (2022). Peningkatan Kompetensi Pelatih PPLP Papua Menuju Prestasi POPNAS Ke-XVI Tahun 2023. Community Education Engagement Journal, 4(1), 37-43.
Kemendikbud. (2014). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 62 Tahun 2014 tentang Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah. Kemendikbud.
Kenioua, M. (2016). Self-efficacy, Achievement motivation and Anxietyof Elite Athletes. IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE), 3(4), 45-48. DOI: 10.9790/6737-03044548
Lochbaum, M., Sherburn, M., Sisneros, C., Cooper, S., Lane, A. M., & Terry, P. C. (2022). Revisiting the Self-Confidence and Sport Performance Relationship: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6381.
Mahfud, I., Gumantan, A., & Nugroho, R. A. (2020). Pelatihan Pembinaan Kebugaran Jasmani Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Olahraga. Wahana Dedikasi: Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan, 3(1), 56-61. 10.31851/dedikasi.v3i21.5374
Negara, F. B., Yarmani, Y., & Nopiyanto, Y. E. (2021). Pengetahuan Psikologi Olahraga Pada Pelatih Renang dengan Prestasi Atlet Renang Di Rejang Lebong. SPORT GYMNASTICS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 2(2), 228–239.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Dimyati, D. (2018). Karakteristik psikologis atlet Sea Games Indonesia ditinjau dari jenis cabang olahraga dan jenis kelamin. Jurnal Keolahragaan, 6(1), 69-76. 10.21831/jk.v6i1.15010
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Dimyati, D., & Dongoran, F. (2019). Karakteristik psikologis atlet sea games indonesia ditinjau dari cabang olahraga tim. Sporta Saintika, 4(2), 27-46.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Ilahi, B. R., Raibowo, S., Prabowo, A., & Ibrahim, I. (2023). Interpersonal Communication of Bengkulu Athletes to Coaches Towards Pon Papua 2021. Halaman Olahraga Nusantara: Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan, 6(1), 50-61.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Raibowo, S., Prabowo, A., Defliyanto, D., & Ibrahim, I (2022). Self-efficacy of physical education students in sports psychology learning. Multilateral: Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga, 21(3), 220-227.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Raibowo, S., Prabowo, A., Insanistyo, B., Herdian, H., & Ibrahim, I. (2023). Analisis Tingkat Motivasi Berprestasi Atlet Futsal di Akademi SGF Kota Bengkulu. Jurnal Patriot, 5(2), 138-146.
Ouyang, Y., Wang, K., Zhang, T., Peng, L., Song, G., & Luo, J. (2020). The influence of sports participation on body image, self-efficacy, and self-esteem in college students. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 3039.
Pratama, S. M., & Wiyaka, I. (2021). Profil kondisi fisik, teknik, dan psikis atlet sepak takraw. Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan Indonesia (JOKI), 1(2), 109-115.
Pujianto, D., Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Kardi, I. S. (2022). How is the mental toughness of student-athletes? An investigation of elite student-athletes in Bengkulu City. Journal Sport Area, 7(3), 369-379.
Rahmawinati, T. L., & Zulfiningrum, R. (2023). Pola Komunikasi Pelatih Dalam Membina Atlet Taekwondo Berprestasi. Jurnal Mutakallimin: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 6(1).
Raibowo, S., Ilahi, B. R., Prabowo, A., Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Defliyanto. (2021). Penguasaan Keterampilan Dasar Futsal UKM FORKIP Universitas Bengkulu. Jurnal Pendidikan Kesehatan Rekreasi, 7(2), 333–341.
Raibowo, S., Jatra, R., Prabowo, A., Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Ilahi, B. R. (2021). Anxiety and Concentration of Tennis Chair Umpire. Halaman Olahraga Nusantara (Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan), 4(2), 271-281. DOI
Rogowska, A. M., Tataruch, R., Niedźwiecki, K., & Wojciechowska-Maszkowska, B. (2022). The mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between approach motivational system and sports success among elite speed skating athletes and physical education students. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(5), 2899.
Sugihartono, T., Nopiyanto, Y. E., Raibowo, S., & Ilahi, B. R. (2021). The relationship between athletes' perceptions of Covid-19 and communication with the psychological skills. Journal Sport Area, 6(2), 183-192.
Te Velde, S. J., Lankhorst, K., Zwinkels, M., Verschuren, O., Takken, T., de Groot, J., & HAYS study group FJG Backx JF de Groot KM Lankhorst TCW Nijboer T. Takken DW Smits OW Verschuren JMA Visser-Meily MJ Volman HW Wittink. (2018). Associations of sport participation with self-perception, exercise self-efficacy and quality of life among children and adolescents with a physical disability or chronic disease—a cross-sectional study. Sports medicine-open, 4, 1-11.
Qudsyi, H., & Putri, M. I. (2016). Self-efficacy and anxiety of national examination among high school students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 217, 268-275.
Wohon, A. M., & Ediati, A. (2019). Hubungan antara efikasi diri dengan kecemasan bertanding pada atlet futsal Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Jurnal Empati, 8(2), 399-405.
Wright, B. J., O'Halloran, P. D., & Stukas, A. A. (2016). Enhancing self-efficacy and performance: an experimental comparison of psychological techniques. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 87(1), 36-46.
Alpian, M., & Suryaman, M. (2016). Pengaruh motivasi, keyakinan diri, dan persepsi siswa terhadap apresiasi karya sastra siswa SMP. LingTera, 3(1), 60-74. 10.21831/lt.v3i1.8663
Baanu, T. F., Oyelekan, O. S., & Olorundare, A. S. (2018). Self-efficacy and chemistry students’ academic achievement in senior secondary schools in North-Central, Nigeria. MOJES: Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(1), 43-52.
Clevinger, K., Petrie, T., Martin, S., & Greenleaf, C. (2020). The relationship of sport involvement and gender to physical fitness, self-efficacy, and self-concept in middle school students. Physical Educator, 77(1), 154-172. 10.18666/TPE-2020-V77-11-9228.
Đurović, D., Veljković, A. A., & Petrović, T. (2020). Psychological aspects of motivation in sport achievement. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 465-474.
Feltz, D. L., & Öncü, E. R. M. A. N. (2014). Self-confidence and self-efficacy. Routledge companion to sport and exercise psychology, 417-429.
Ghaleb, A. B., Ghaith, S., & Akour, M. (2015). Self-efficacy, achievement goals, and metacognition as predicators of academic motivation. Procedia-social and behavioral sciences, 191, 2068-2073.
Haq, A. H. B. (2016). Efikasi Diri Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Yang Berprestasi Di Bidang Olah Raga. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan, 4(2), 161–174.
Ita, S., Ansar, C. S., Kardi, I. S., & Nopiyanto, Y. E. (2022). Peningkatan Kompetensi Pelatih PPLP Papua Menuju Prestasi POPNAS Ke-XVI Tahun 2023. Community Education Engagement Journal, 4(1), 37-43.
Kemendikbud. (2014). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 62 Tahun 2014 tentang Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah. Kemendikbud.
Kenioua, M. (2016). Self-efficacy, Achievement motivation and Anxietyof Elite Athletes. IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE), 3(4), 45-48. DOI: 10.9790/6737-03044548
Lochbaum, M., Sherburn, M., Sisneros, C., Cooper, S., Lane, A. M., & Terry, P. C. (2022). Revisiting the Self-Confidence and Sport Performance Relationship: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6381.
Mahfud, I., Gumantan, A., & Nugroho, R. A. (2020). Pelatihan Pembinaan Kebugaran Jasmani Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Olahraga. Wahana Dedikasi: Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan, 3(1), 56-61. 10.31851/dedikasi.v3i21.5374
Negara, F. B., Yarmani, Y., & Nopiyanto, Y. E. (2021). Pengetahuan Psikologi Olahraga Pada Pelatih Renang dengan Prestasi Atlet Renang Di Rejang Lebong. SPORT GYMNASTICS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 2(2), 228–239.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Dimyati, D. (2018). Karakteristik psikologis atlet Sea Games Indonesia ditinjau dari jenis cabang olahraga dan jenis kelamin. Jurnal Keolahragaan, 6(1), 69-76. 10.21831/jk.v6i1.15010
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Dimyati, D., & Dongoran, F. (2019). Karakteristik psikologis atlet sea games indonesia ditinjau dari cabang olahraga tim. Sporta Saintika, 4(2), 27-46.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Ilahi, B. R., Raibowo, S., Prabowo, A., & Ibrahim, I. (2023). Interpersonal Communication of Bengkulu Athletes to Coaches Towards Pon Papua 2021. Halaman Olahraga Nusantara: Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan, 6(1), 50-61.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Raibowo, S., Prabowo, A., Defliyanto, D., & Ibrahim, I (2022). Self-efficacy of physical education students in sports psychology learning. Multilateral: Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga, 21(3), 220-227.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Raibowo, S., Prabowo, A., Insanistyo, B., Herdian, H., & Ibrahim, I. (2023). Analisis Tingkat Motivasi Berprestasi Atlet Futsal di Akademi SGF Kota Bengkulu. Jurnal Patriot, 5(2), 138-146.
Ouyang, Y., Wang, K., Zhang, T., Peng, L., Song, G., & Luo, J. (2020). The influence of sports participation on body image, self-efficacy, and self-esteem in college students. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 3039.
Pratama, S. M., & Wiyaka, I. (2021). Profil kondisi fisik, teknik, dan psikis atlet sepak takraw. Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan Indonesia (JOKI), 1(2), 109-115.
Pujianto, D., Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Kardi, I. S. (2022). How is the mental toughness of student-athletes? An investigation of elite student-athletes in Bengkulu City. Journal Sport Area, 7(3), 369-379.
Rahmawinati, T. L., & Zulfiningrum, R. (2023). Pola Komunikasi Pelatih Dalam Membina Atlet Taekwondo Berprestasi. Jurnal Mutakallimin: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 6(1).
Raibowo, S., Ilahi, B. R., Prabowo, A., Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Defliyanto. (2021). Penguasaan Keterampilan Dasar Futsal UKM FORKIP Universitas Bengkulu. Jurnal Pendidikan Kesehatan Rekreasi, 7(2), 333–341.
Raibowo, S., Jatra, R., Prabowo, A., Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Ilahi, B. R. (2021). Anxiety and Concentration of Tennis Chair Umpire. Halaman Olahraga Nusantara (Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan), 4(2), 271-281. DOI
Rogowska, A. M., Tataruch, R., Niedźwiecki, K., & Wojciechowska-Maszkowska, B. (2022). The mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between approach motivational system and sports success among elite speed skating athletes and physical education students. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(5), 2899.
Sugihartono, T., Nopiyanto, Y. E., Raibowo, S., & Ilahi, B. R. (2021). The relationship between athletes' perceptions of Covid-19 and communication with the psychological skills. Journal Sport Area, 6(2), 183-192.
Te Velde, S. J., Lankhorst, K., Zwinkels, M., Verschuren, O., Takken, T., de Groot, J., & HAYS study group FJG Backx JF de Groot KM Lankhorst TCW Nijboer T. Takken DW Smits OW Verschuren JMA Visser-Meily MJ Volman HW Wittink. (2018). Associations of sport participation with self-perception, exercise self-efficacy and quality of life among children and adolescents with a physical disability or chronic disease—a cross-sectional study. Sports medicine-open, 4, 1-11.
Qudsyi, H., & Putri, M. I. (2016). Self-efficacy and anxiety of national examination among high school students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 217, 268-275.
Wohon, A. M., & Ediati, A. (2019). Hubungan antara efikasi diri dengan kecemasan bertanding pada atlet futsal Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Jurnal Empati, 8(2), 399-405.
Wright, B. J., O'Halloran, P. D., & Stukas, A. A. (2016). Enhancing self-efficacy and performance: an experimental comparison of psychological techniques. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 87(1), 36-46.
Alpian, M., & Suryaman, M. (2016). Pengaruh motivasi, keyakinan diri, dan persepsi siswa terhadap apresiasi karya sastra siswa SMP. LingTera, 3(1), 60-74. 10.21831/lt.v3i1.8663
Baanu, T. F., Oyelekan, O. S., & Olorundare, A. S. (2018). Self-efficacy and chemistry students’ academic achievement in senior secondary schools in North-Central, Nigeria. MOJES: Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(1), 43-52.
Clevinger, K., Petrie, T., Martin, S., & Greenleaf, C. (2020). The relationship of sport involvement and gender to physical fitness, self-efficacy, and self-concept in middle school students. Physical Educator, 77(1), 154-172. 10.18666/TPE-2020-V77-11-9228.
Đurović, D., Veljković, A. A., & Petrović, T. (2020). Psychological aspects of motivation in sport achievement. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 465-474.
Feltz, D. L., & Öncü, E. R. M. A. N. (2014). Self-confidence and self-efficacy. Routledge companion to sport and exercise psychology, 417-429.
Ghaleb, A. B., Ghaith, S., & Akour, M. (2015). Self-efficacy, achievement goals, and metacognition as predicators of academic motivation. Procedia-social and behavioral sciences, 191, 2068-2073.
Haq, A. H. B. (2016). Efikasi Diri Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Yang Berprestasi Di Bidang Olah Raga. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan, 4(2), 161–174.
Ita, S., Ansar, C. S., Kardi, I. S., & Nopiyanto, Y. E. (2022). Peningkatan Kompetensi Pelatih PPLP Papua Menuju Prestasi POPNAS Ke-XVI Tahun 2023. Community Education Engagement Journal, 4(1), 37-43.
Kemendikbud. (2014). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 62 Tahun 2014 tentang Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah. Kemendikbud.
Kenioua, M. (2016). Self-efficacy, Achievement motivation and Anxietyof Elite Athletes. IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE), 3(4), 45-48. DOI: 10.9790/6737-03044548
Lochbaum, M., Sherburn, M., Sisneros, C., Cooper, S., Lane, A. M., & Terry, P. C. (2022). Revisiting the Self-Confidence and Sport Performance Relationship: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6381.
Mahfud, I., Gumantan, A., & Nugroho, R. A. (2020). Pelatihan Pembinaan Kebugaran Jasmani Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Olahraga. Wahana Dedikasi: Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan, 3(1), 56-61. 10.31851/dedikasi.v3i21.5374
Negara, F. B., Yarmani, Y., & Nopiyanto, Y. E. (2021). Pengetahuan Psikologi Olahraga Pada Pelatih Renang dengan Prestasi Atlet Renang Di Rejang Lebong. SPORT GYMNASTICS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 2(2), 228–239.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Dimyati, D. (2018). Karakteristik psikologis atlet Sea Games Indonesia ditinjau dari jenis cabang olahraga dan jenis kelamin. Jurnal Keolahragaan, 6(1), 69-76. 10.21831/jk.v6i1.15010
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Dimyati, D., & Dongoran, F. (2019). Karakteristik psikologis atlet sea games indonesia ditinjau dari cabang olahraga tim. Sporta Saintika, 4(2), 27-46.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Ilahi, B. R., Raibowo, S., Prabowo, A., & Ibrahim, I. (2023). Interpersonal Communication of Bengkulu Athletes to Coaches Towards Pon Papua 2021. Halaman Olahraga Nusantara: Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan, 6(1), 50-61.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Raibowo, S., Prabowo, A., Defliyanto, D., & Ibrahim, I (2022). Self-efficacy of physical education students in sports psychology learning. Multilateral: Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga, 21(3), 220-227.
Nopiyanto, Y. E., Raibowo, S., Prabowo, A., Insanistyo, B., Herdian, H., & Ibrahim, I. (2023). Analisis Tingkat Motivasi Berprestasi Atlet Futsal di Akademi SGF Kota Bengkulu. Jurnal Patriot, 5(2), 138-146.
Ouyang, Y., Wang, K., Zhang, T., Peng, L., Song, G., & Luo, J. (2020). The influence of sports participation on body image, self-efficacy, and self-esteem in college students. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 3039.
Pratama, S. M., & Wiyaka, I. (2021). Profil kondisi fisik, teknik, dan psikis atlet sepak takraw. Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan Indonesia (JOKI), 1(2), 109-115.
Pujianto, D., Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Kardi, I. S. (2022). How is the mental toughness of student-athletes? An investigation of elite student-athletes in Bengkulu City. Journal Sport Area, 7(3), 369-379.
Rahmawinati, T. L., & Zulfiningrum, R. (2023). Pola Komunikasi Pelatih Dalam Membina Atlet Taekwondo Berprestasi. Jurnal Mutakallimin: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 6(1).
Raibowo, S., Ilahi, B. R., Prabowo, A., Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Defliyanto. (2021). Penguasaan Keterampilan Dasar Futsal UKM FORKIP Universitas Bengkulu. Jurnal Pendidikan Kesehatan Rekreasi, 7(2), 333–341.
Raibowo, S., Jatra, R., Prabowo, A., Nopiyanto, Y. E., & Ilahi, B. R. (2021). Anxiety and Concentration of Tennis Chair Umpire. Halaman Olahraga Nusantara (Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan), 4(2), 271-281. DOI
Rogowska, A. M., Tataruch, R., Niedźwiecki, K., & Wojciechowska-Maszkowska, B. (2022). The mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between approach motivational system and sports success among elite speed skating athletes and physical education students. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(5), 2899.
Sugihartono, T., Nopiyanto, Y. E., Raibowo, S., & Ilahi, B. R. (2021). The relationship between athletes' perceptions of Covid-19 and communication with the psychological skills. Journal Sport Area, 6(2), 183-192.
Te Velde, S. J., Lankhorst, K., Zwinkels, M., Verschuren, O., Takken, T., de Groot, J., & HAYS study group FJG Backx JF de Groot KM Lankhorst TCW Nijboer T. Takken DW Smits OW Verschuren JMA Visser-Meily MJ Volman HW Wittink. (2018). Associations of sport participation with self-perception, exercise self-efficacy and quality of life among children and adolescents with a physical disability or chronic disease—a cross-sectional study. Sports medicine-open, 4, 1-11.
Qudsyi, H., & Putri, M. I. (2016). Self-efficacy and anxiety of national examination among high school students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 217, 268-275.
Wohon, A. M., & Ediati, A. (2019). Hubungan antara efikasi diri dengan kecemasan bertanding pada atlet futsal Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Jurnal Empati, 8(2), 399-405.
Wright, B. J., O'Halloran, P. D., & Stukas, A. A. (2016). Enhancing self-efficacy and performance: an experimental comparison of psychological techniques. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 87(1), 36-46.
Alpian, M., & Suryaman, M. (2016). Pengaruh motivasi, keyakinan diri, dan persepsi siswa terhadap apresiasi karya sastra siswa SMP. LingTera, 3(1), 60-74. 10.21831/lt.v3i1.8663
Baanu, T. F., Oyelekan, O. S., & Olorundare, A. S. (2018). Self-efficacy and chemistry students’ academic achievement in senior secondary schools in North-Central, Nigeria. MOJES: Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(1), 43-52.
Clevinger, K., Petrie, T., Martin, S., & Greenleaf, C. (2020). The relationship of sport involvement and gender to physical fitness, self-efficacy, and self-concept in middle school students. Physical Educator, 77(1), 154-172. 10.18666/TPE-2020-V77-11-9228.
Đurović, D., Veljković, A. A., & Petrović, T. (2020). Psychological aspects of motivation in sport achievement. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport, 465-474.
Feltz, D. L., & Öncü, E. R. M. A. N. (2014). Self-confidence and self-efficacy. Routledge companion to sport and exercise psychology, 417-429.
Ghaleb, A. B., Ghaith, S., & Akour, M. (2015). Self-efficacy, achievement goals, and metacognition as predicators of academic motivation. Procedia-social and behavioral sciences, 191, 2068-2073.
Haq, A. H. B. (2016). Efikasi Diri Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Yang Berprestasi Di Bidang Olah Raga. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan, 4(2), 161–174.
Ita, S., Ansar, C. S., Kardi, I. S., & Nopiyanto, Y. E. (2022). Peningkatan Kompetensi Pelatih PPLP Papua Menuju Prestasi POPNAS Ke-XVI Tahun 2023. Community Education Engagement Journal, 4(1), 37-43.
Kemendikbud. (2014). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 62 Tahun 2014 tentang Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah. Kemendikbud.
Kenioua, M. (2016). Self-efficacy, Achievement motivation and Anxietyof Elite Athletes. IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE), 3(4), 45-48. DOI: 10.9790/6737-03044548
Lochbaum, M., Sherburn, M., Sisneros, C., Cooper, S., Lane, A. M., & Terry, P. C. (2022). Revisiting the Self-Confidence and Sport Performance Relationship: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6381.
Mahfud, I., Gumantan, A., & Nugroho, R. A. (2020). Pelatihan Pembinaan Kebugaran Jasmani Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Olahraga. Wahana Dedikasi: Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan, 3(1), 56-61. 10.31851/dedikasi.v3i21.5374
Negara, F. B., Yarmani, Y., & Nopiyanto, Y. E. (2021). Pengetahuan Psikologi Olahraga Pada Pelatih Renang dengan Prestasi Atlet Renang Di Rejang Lebong. SPORT GYMNASTICS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 2(2), 228–239.
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