Android-based high school physical learning model

  • Sari Mariati Coaching Department, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indoneisa
  • Yani Warti Coaching Department, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indoneisa
  • Suci Nanda Sari Coaching Department, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indoneisa
  • Desi Purnama Sari Coaching Department, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indoneisa
Keywords: Physical Education Learning Model, Android App


Problems: This research is based on the limited teaching and learning activities of physical education in schools, because the current pandemic situation still limits student learning activities in schools. Purpose: This research aims to produce a learning product for students as well as in the form of materials/textbooks and an android application that contains physical education materials to create more effective and efficient learning. Methods: The type of research method used in this study is research and development using the ADDIE Model. Results: This android-based PJOK learning model in the initial trial stage got a practicality percentage of 80% with the category "Practical". Then at the field trial stage, the percentage of practicality was 85% with the category "Very Practical". Conclusion: This shows that media products increase students' interest and motivation to learn


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How to Cite
Mariati, S., Warti, Y., Sari, S., & Sari, D. (2025). Android-based high school physical learning model. Jurnal Patriot, 6(4), 176-178.

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