Sports and immunity: Analyzing the relationship between physical activity and immune response in athletes
Problem: Physical activity has a complex relationship with immune function in athletes, where moderate exercise is generally beneficial, but intense training may suppress immunity. This systematic literature review examines how different exercise intensities impact immune responses in athletes, aiming to identify optimal training parameters for immune health. Purpose: The aim of this systematic literature review is to analyze the effects of various exercise intensities on immune function in athletes to determine training parameters that support optimal immune health. Methods: This study utilized a systematic literature review approach, gathering and analyzing scientific articles on the effects of exercise on athlete immune function. Articles were sourced from Scopus using search terms such as "Exercise," "Physical Activity," "Sports," and "Immune Response," with a focus on studies published within the past five years that evaluate exercise interventions on immune enhancement in athletes. After collecting relevant articles, descriptive analysis was conducted to identify consistent patterns and findings. Results: Intense and prolonged exercise can lead to immunosuppression in athletes, increasing susceptibility to infections and chronic conditions. However, moderate exercise enhances immune function, promoting beneficial responses such as improved lymphocyte distribution and antibody production post-vaccination. Key immune markers like NLR, PLR, and SII offer valuable insights into athletes’ immune status and can assist in monitoring health and performance. Conclusion: Moderate exercise supports immune health, while intense exercise may suppress it. Athletes should balance training intensity and monitor immune markers to maintain optimal health and performance.
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